Michael Fleming (Brattleboro, VT) is a creative editor, essayist, novelist, and poet. Born in San Francisco, raised in Wyoming, Michael Fleming set out on a thirty-year odyssey: undergraduate work at Princeton, teaching English in refugee camps in Thailand, a graduate degree from Oxford, teaching high-school mathematics in Swaziland, work as a carpenter, hospice volunteer, and college composition teacher in California, living as a writer and editor in New York, New Hampshire, and now Brattleboro, Vermont. He has been awarded fellowships by the Ragdale Foundation, Dorland Mountain Arts Colony, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and Ucross Foundation. He has twice had stories featured on the public radio program "Fiction in Shorts". Michael's works of fiction include numerous short stories and poems, and The Del Ray Method (novel in progress). Nonfiction works include My Commute: Living in the American West (book in progress), essays about writing and the teaching of writing, and essays and speeches about death and dying. Since 2003 he has worked as a writer/editor for W.W. Norton.