Yellow Barn Music Haul: Then and Now

On October 10, 2015, Yellow Barn Music Haul came home to Putney, Vermont. Since then, our precocious traveling concert hall has brought Music No Boundaries to Baltimore, Dallas, Midcoast Maine, Boston, and New York City. Wherever she goes, from Times Square to West Baltimore, she is giving people the shared experience of listening to chamber music on common ground.
In celebration of her second birthday, we brought our "Music Haul Playground" to Downtown Baltimore Child Care, dropping the stage like a second jungle gym, filling recess with music and dancing. When we packed up to go, the music didn't stop. Music Haul continued to play from one neighborhood to the next, for passers-by, construction workers, police officers, bus drivers, and countless others, capturing their attention in an unexpected moment.
For the next two months, Music Haul will continue to live in Baltimore, bringing "Music Haul Playground" to schools, driving and playing music through her external speakers, and generally being a resource for social causes throughout the city, such as collecting goods for Puerto Rico. In addition, she will return to Lockerman-Bundy Elementary School and other OrchKids schools that she visited during previous trips to Baltimore.
Fall 2017 Music Haul Sightings in Baltimore:
Downtown Baltimore Child Care
Furman L. Templeton Preparatory Academy
Lockerman-Bundy Elementary School
Mary Winterling Elementary School
OrchKids, a program of the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra
The Park School of Baltimore
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to find out where Yellow Barn Music Haul is traveling!
Dancing to Beethoven and celebrating Yellow Barn Music Haul's 2nd birthday at Downtown Baltimore Child Care