Sunday, October 2, 2011
Intimate Letters at the Vermont Jazz Center (Photos: Zachary Stephens)

Poet Michael Gallagher performs his prologue

Poet Lloyd Evans performs with the Parker Quartet

Baritone William Sharp performs Lee Hyla's "Howl" with the Parker Quartet

Pianist Seth Knopp and baritone William Sharp perform Mahler's "Kindertotenlieder"

Poet Devonte Robinson performs "Letter To My Future Wife"

Poet Dejanique Armstrong performs "Note To Self"

Michael Gallagher performs "Letter To My Father"

Wall program created by students at The Greenwood School, Putney, VT
In September 2011, four slam poets from California joined Yellow Barn alumni ensemble the Parker Quartet, baritone William Sharp, and pianist Seth Knopp on campus at the Greenwood School (Putney, VT) to create a new program. Titled "Intimate Letters: Cultural Outrage and Personal Tragedy from Mahler to Slam Poetry", the program included works by Lee Hyla, György Kurtág, Gustav Mahler, and Leoš Janáček, with original poetry interspersed. After premiering the program at the Vermont Jazz Center in Brattleboro, VT, the ensemble toured "Intimate Letters" to Boston, MA, New York, NY, Washington, DC, Dallas, TX, and Stockton, CA, performing in venues ranging from concert halls to living rooms.