Monday, March 26, 2012
The Crumb Madrigals Project (Photos: Zachary Stephens)

Book I: To see you naked is to remember the earth (Evan Premo, Greg Beyer, and Mary Bonhag)

Percussionist Greg Beyer

Book II: Drink the tranquil water of the antique song (Mary Bonhag)

Flutist Erin Lesser

Harpist Jacqueline Kerrod

Book IV: Why was I born surrounded by mirrors? The day turns round me. And the night reproduces me in each of her stars. (Evan Premo and Mary Bonhag)

Percussionist Greg Beyer during the post-performance discussion

Bassist Evan Premo during the post-performance discussion

Video Artist Bart Woodstrup during the post-performance discussion
After devoting a week to developing a multi-media presentation, Yellow Barn's Crumb Madrigals artist residency culminated on March 24, 2012 with a public performance and discussion at Next Stage in Putney, VT. During their week in Putney the artists shared their work with community members in a lecture-demonstration at the Putney Public Library and with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students from Putney Central School and the Grammar School.
Left: Soprano Mary Bonhag and percussionist Greg Beyer discuss Crumb's Madrigals and their project at the Putney Public Library.
Right: Ensemble members talk with 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students from the Putney Central School and the Grammar School.